Wim Raymaekers (b1958) studied art history at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and violin making at the Centrum voor Muziekinstrumentenbouw in Puurs (Belgium). After working with violin maker Pascal Gilis in Brussels, he started his own workshop in Leuven in 1995. From 2004 to 2006 he was responsible for the restoration of the stringed instruments of the Vleeshuis Museum in Antwerp. From 2012 to 2017 he taught violin making, organology and restoration techniques at the School of Arts of the University College Ghent (Belgium). He lives near Leuven where he plays music and has a collection of stringed instruments for educational purposes. His interest in violin iconography dates back to his student days. In 1989 he published his first scientific article on the subject in Dutch.
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